We now will accept clean frozen wild goose and duck breasts to use in our specialty sausages. Here are the procedures for this federally oversaw migratory birds.
- ALL license information must be photo copied and accompanied with duck or goose. Birds must be tagged and bagged according to the legal harvest limit of the state or province where killed. Hunter and license number must appear on every bag. – NO EXCEPTIONS
- Presently we require a 20 pound minimum per item and add 50% pork
- We accept waterfowl during our regular business days and will keep frozen until we are able to process. Please understand that venison comes first and we plan on processing waterfowl in mid January. Please do not call us and “see how it is going” – WE WILL CALL YOU WHEN ITS DONE.
- If these rules are not followed to the letter, we will not pick up from other locations and you are subject to fines for any violations. You will be responsible for any tickets issued if it contains to your bag limits, tagging or lack of knowledge.
* We will have a special selections of smoked products available that make goose and duck edible. Including special snack sticks, jerkys and smoked sausages. Check back after the first of the year for selections!